Making the path to growing up a little easier.
Black youth are less likely to obtain therapy for depression than their white peers, and when they do, it is frequently through the juvenile court system.
Growing up is difficult, especially these days. Young people encounter peer and academic pressures, family changes (such as divorce or relocation), the arrival of hormones in puberty, and the ongoing difficulty of managing their emotions. The possible challenges and intense sensations are diverse, and for many children and teenagers, this is their first interaction with the need to manage these emotions.
Some obstacles may arise while negotiating these transitions, interrupting an adolescent's growth path. These difficulties can be caused by school stress, divorce or parental squabbles, learning difficulties, peer pressure, bullying (in person and online), relocating to a new home, hormones, and learning how to manage their emotions. When these difficulties become too hard to bear, seeing a therapist can help alleviate some distress.
According to data, Black adolescents are more likely to suffer mental health disorders but are less likely to seek out or obtain the specialized assistance and care they require.
Many communities of color are strongly opposed to thinking of mental illness in the same light as physical sickness and seeking care is frequently viewed as a sign of weakness. The stigma has grown over time, and today young people are suffering as a result.
Holly Ashley & Associates is a safe place to process feelings, learn healthy coping skills, and make sound decisions for the times we live in. Our mission is to put a compassionate therapist in the lives of hurting children and adolescents. We accomplish this by offering services that support and strengthen the family and the child or adolescent.
Therapy here is tailor-made to meet each child where they are. Child development, adolescent adjustment, and family well-being are focal areas. No matter the challenge, our therapists work with your child to help them become more aware of and identify the sources of their pain and learn to express themselves adequately and seek help when needed. With this awareness, they will be more equipped to manage difficult periods in their lives, become more autonomous, and maintain a healthy family and peer relationships.
If your family is struggling with your child or adolescent’s behavior or mental health issues, we can help.
Our strength-based approach to treatment encourages spiritual, emotional, and behavioral growth in each child, adolescent, and family.
Teen Dating
Meaningful connections with friends begin at an early age, but it is throughout adolescence that romantic relationships take center stage.
This transformation can be exciting for teenagers but difficult for parents. Dating and sex can be frightening issues to discuss, and parents and teens should seek help. As a parent, you may be venturing into uncharted territory. It wasn't long ago that you were a teenager enjoying the attention of your first boyfriend/girlfriend. You were hoping for possibilities to spend time alone with that individual, balancing what you were comfortable with and where to draw the line.
Many of us didn't have the maturity to do so, and you made some blunders we'd change if you could. Your teen lacks maturity as well. Though they may look like a young adult, an adolescent brain is still developing. Your child needs advice and support when it comes to dating! We can help.

“You are growing into consciousness, and my wish for you is that you feel no need to constrict yourself to make other people comfortable.”